Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Gambling with the Girls

Tonight was my monthly Bunco (or Bunko) night. For those of you who don't know Bunco is a 12-peron dice game. It is a very simple game to play, 4 people at 3 tables roll dice for points. Whoever has the most points wins. Apparently it's a very popular game and everyone plays it differently. Some groups play for small gifts like candles, but we play for cash. Each player pays $5 and the biggest payout is $20. Our little group has been playing together for a year now and we really have a lot of fun. A different person hosts each month and it's fun to see how we all do it so differently. My good friend Jaime hosted tonight and she really knows how to host a party. She made enough food for 30 people and really makes everyone feel welcome. I think my favorite thing about Bunco night is after the game is over I usually go and grab ice cream or hang out for a little while with Jaime and Amanda and I get that feeling like I'm 16 years old again and I'm missing my curfew!

1 comment:

...roseykrh said...

ha ha! Sound like fun, but I'm about 9 friends short of getting a game together.