Monday, September 24, 2007

Quality child care???

I start my full-time temporary job in just a few weeks and I'm feeling very stressed! Not about the job, but about child care. I've been so lucky that family has watched Emie (& Max when he's not in pre-school) while I've subbed. But that has only been one or two days a week. Once I'm working Monday-Friday and actually required to be there I know that I need more reliable care for them both. Max will start going to pre-school 3 days a week instead of 2 and Bob will have to start taking his day off on Thursday and my parents will watch Max on Tuesday so he's taken care of, but that leaves Emie. She'll be 9 months old when I start working and I really hoped that my mother-in-law would split the time with my mom at least until January, but I don't think that is going to work out. So I've started the search for child care and it is so scary! I've called the lady who watched Max for me to see if she might have an opening and hopefully that will work out. Eventhough I do trust her and she did so great with Max I still hate the idea. Emie goes to bed about 7:30 each night and wakes up about 7 each morning. Once I'm working I'll be lucky to spend 3 hours with her during the work week. That absolutely kills me! Max stays up later but not by much so I'll maybe have 4 hours with him. I know tons of moms do this, I did it with Max but it makes me so sad to think of leaving them again. I just need to look at the positives of it. Max is doing so great at pre-school. His teachers are amazing and he has learned so much in a very short time. I know that Em will like being around other kids, she loves Max and it'll be fun for her to have other little girls to play with.
On to other news, Emie is now crawling. She can't go forward yet but she goes backwards anywhere she wants to go. It's very cute! Max thinks it's so funny to crawl with her and that usually ticks her off pretty good. We are getting ready for a trip to Ohio in two weeks. That should be an interesting drive with both kids. We are leaving in the evening so hopefully they will sleep most of the time. It should be a lot of fun. It's our first official vacation as a family of 4, thankfully it's only for a long weekend!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The wise lady at the table

I've been getting called a couple a days a week to substititue and it's going really well. I've taught kindergarten, high school and 6th grade. So far I've liked 6th grade the best which is good because that is the age-range I'm planning to become certified in.
I had to go for an orientation training for another district last week and it was really very informative so I'm glad that I went. I did have a bit of an eye-opening experience while there. There were four of us sitting at the table listening to a gal go over all the instructions for the paperwork in our packet. We had to fill out w-4's, emergency contact info and the like. I breezed through it pretty quickly and waited for the next step of the orientation. While I sat there the girl across from me (early 20's I'd guess) looked at me and asked me a couple of questions about how to fill out her form. I answered her. Then the gal sitting next to her (also early 20's) asked me a couple of questions about what the instructor had said. I answered her. Then the guy sitting beside me (maybe mid 20's) asked me more questions about the forms and about our next instructions. Once again I answered him. It occured to me then that I was the most experienced (i.e. oldest) person at the table. These college-age students were looking to me for advice because they could tell just by looking at me that I was way older and therefore had probably done this kinda thing a time or two. As I've said before my age doesn't bother me, not at all. But I have to admit it is a bit of a shock to realize people look at me and instantly know that I'm not young. I wish I could see what others see when they look at me. My sister-in-law was looking at pictures of me from a few years ago and she made the comment "Boy you sure do look a lot different than you used to." I laughed and asked if that was a good thing, she didn't respond. A good friend of mine turned 30 today and I had to give her a bit of grief as she did to me 3 years ago. I welcomed her to the club of 30-somethings and she responded "thanks, but you're still closer to 40 than I am." I'm not concerned about turning 40 however, I might start investing in some good anti-aging cream.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Happy Birthday Mommy & Max

I love birthdays. I love cake, ice cream, barbecues, presents and everything about birthdays. I especially love to celebrate my kids special day. Max and I both have September birthdays (3 days apart) and my anniversary is this month so we do a lot of celebrating this time of year. This year we had planned on having an immediate family only party for Max but when we started talking to him about planning the party his face lit up and he said "I can't wait for my birthday 'cause that's when all my friends are going to come over! I can't wait to give them goody-bags. " Goody bags are a big deal to him. He has been collecting stuff for months to put in his friends bags. They all got pictures he drew, glued or cut, crayons that he found in the bottom of his toy box, pencils that he dug out of my old briefcase, candy from last Halloween and other equally good things! In case you are wondering I did warn the mom's about all this "treasure" and I put in some new treats that we bought at a real store!

Of course Bob and I couldn't disappoint him and the small party turned into the giant friends and family party we say we aren't going to do every year. We had quite the time figuring out what the theme of the party should be. Somehow we went from Jungle, to Pirates, to Batman and then ending up with a Superman party, AAAGGGHHH! But is was a ton of fun. All our friends have little boys around Max's age and they love getting together to play and round two of all our kids have been girls so we get to put the little one's together to look at each other. It stopped raining just in time for the party so we were able to spend some time outside which is great because our house is just not big enough for all those people.

His birthday is actually the 9th but we had his party on Saturday and then on Sunday we had a little birthday breakfast where we gave him the present from us. We bought him his first real bike. We had it parked in the family room waiting for him when he got up. It was so funny because he walked in there and looked at is and said "I wanted a green bike" and went back to his room. The bike we bought is orange. I told Bob when we bought it that he wanted a green or blue one, but the orange one really is a lot cooler looking. After several hours he decided he liked it and wanted to keep it. He looks so grown up with his little harley inspired helmut riding his big bike. And according to Max, being 4 is way cooler than being 3 was!!!!