Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Frustration x 10

Let me just say that I am a talker. I talk all the time with pretty much anyone about almost anything. I not one of those mysterious people you look at and say "wow I wonder what she's thinking. " I pretty much will tell anyone completely personal details about my life. I've been this way as long as I can remember. I like to share and I find that my sharing encourages others to share with me which satisfies my nosy nature. The problem with this is that I am not a single person anymore, I am part of a "we." This means that sometimes the things that I share include details about others in my life and this is causing problems. In my defense I'm not attempting to demean or embarrass my other or "air dirty laundry" I just like to share my life with others. Now, I would not betray a confidence. If I am asked not to share something I won't, but if there is no disclaimer then I feel most things are fair game. I find it very frustrating that people who have know me for over a decade now find huge fault with this aspect of my personality. I'm going through a time of great irritation and dissatisfaction. I've had a very stressful past few months and currently no aspect of my life feels stable. I feel so frustrated (hence the creative title of this post) and I honestly am to the point where I just don't give a damn. I'm tired of the struggle, I'm tired of the disagreement and I'm tired of trying to please everyone else. Screw 'em all I say.